You are well researched and present very enlightening information, especially in the 4-part series The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya; so, thank you for that! I have learned so much from that series.

I’d like to offer a few comments/observations on “Lucifer” and Albert Pike / Freemasons, and a couple of other related parties, if you permit.


a) There are two main representatives of evil in the Bible: Satan and Lucifer. And they are not the same entity, as you correctly infer.

b) Going back to the original Hebrew (before the incorrect translation to “Lucifer”) we indeed have this entity as the “Morning Star,” hence referring to Venus. See https://biblehub.com/hebrew/1966.htm. Also, here are some related sources on the subject:

1) https://web.archive.org/web/20070501161123/https://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/2005/11nov/lucifer.html

2) https://web.archive.org/web/20190331032226/https://www.godandscience.org/doctrine/who_is_satan.html

3) https://bible.org/article/lucifer-devil-isaiah-1412-kjv-argument-against-modern-translations

c) Of course Venus is the Roman name for Aphrodite.

d) But we must go back further to Babylonian times where she was called Innana (or Ishtar). He mentions that the Canaanites called her Ashtarte (Astarte). Messianic Jew Jonathan Cahn explains these origins well in his book ‘Return of the Gods’ (you can listen from the 17:12 mark of one of his interviews on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AqXHyHJ01M) . Moreover, the worship of this enchantress explains a lot of what is happening with the woke agenda and sexual depravity as a whole that is taking place in society. Cahn expands on this in several other of his videos (see, for instance, Jonathan Cahn Prophetic: The Mystery Of Barbie, Ishtar, and Smashed Babies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKp-A6BBg-E)

e) In general, we say that many evil people / bad actors in the world worship “Lucifer.” This is not incorrect; for, to them (at least many of them) they are worshiping the same set of evil (even if they believe the contrary). I chose the word “set” [of evil] because they don’t just worship one entity, but rather several. This includes Baal.


I will somewhat disagree on your byline “If it’s not the Freemasons…,” as not as dissociative of devil-worship, or Satanism, though. Apologies if I misinterpret your sentiment.

I’ll cite some references from former insider Freemason Altiyan Childs who left the brotherhood/cult and made a 5+hour video on their Satanic tendencies which he meticulously documents, citing from no less than 30+ books on Freemasonry. He does make a few mistakes on a few of his citations, but for the most part he is on the mark.

For his video testimony, click on either of the following links:



a) In Pike’s Morals & Dogma, we find (like you showed in Taxil 1) “The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.” + “For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will.” + “They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN ; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.”

> my interpretation: This is how the Kabalists (many of which are Freemasons – the “Initiates”) view Lucifer (the “Light-bearer”) and think that they are doing “good” (as all is *reversed/perverted* to them).

b) From the book The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky (see https://archive.org/details/secretdoctrine01unkngoog), she refers to Satan as the “Angel who was proud enough to believe himself God; brave enough to buy his independence at the price of eternal suffering and torture; beautiful enough to have adored himself in full divine light; strong enough to still reigh in darkness amidst agony, and to have made himself a throne…”

> my interpretation: She is obviously referring to Lucifer (“beautiful enough to have adored himself in full divine light”).

Blavatsky also has a section in her book under ‘Holy Satan’ that reads “Satan is the minister of God, Lord of the seven mansions of Hades” and “It is "Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god," and this without any allusive metaphor to its wickedness and depravity. For he is one with the Logos, "the first son, eldest of the gods," in the order”(see https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Secret-Doctrine-by-H.P.-Blavatsky.pdf).

It should also be noted that Blavatsky’s grandfather was a Freemason and she associated with many well-known Freemasons (see https://www.universalfreemasonry.org/en/stories/blavatsky) exchanging on the occultic roots of Freemasonry.

c) Another Theosophist, Alice Bailey and her husband Foster founded the ‘Lucifer Publishing Company’ (see https://www.lucistrust.org/about_us/history where they state “A publishing company, initially named Lucifer Publishing Company, was established by Alice and Foster Bailey in the State of New Jersey, USA, in May 1922 to publish the book, Initiation Human and Solar. The ancient myth of Lucifer refers to the angel who brought light to the world, and it is assumed that the name was applied to the publishing company in honour of a journal, which had been edited for a number of years by theosophical founder, HP Blavatsky. It soon became clear to the Bailey’s that some Christian groups have traditionally mistakenly identified Lucifer with Satan, and for this reason the company’s name was changed in 1924 to Lucis Publishing Company.”

Her husband, Foster Bailey wrote the book ‘The Spirit of Freemasonry’ (see https://www.lucistrust.org/store/item/spirit_of_masonry)

An archived version of Wikipedia’s Lucis Trust page reads “The Lucis Trust's publishing company was founded in the early 1920s as the Lucifer Publishing Company.[1] The Lucis Trust says that the name was probably chosen to honor Lucifer.[1]” (URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20210125123457/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucis_Trust)

Moreover, from their page ‘The Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer’ (https://web.archive.org/web/20151016062426/https://www.lucistrust.org/arcane_school/talks_and_articles/the_esoteric_meaning_lucifer) you can see that they point to a page ‘Descent and Sacrifice ’ in which they attempt to represent Lucifer as a “sacrificing angel” that “brings clarity” and that he is “unfairly maligned sacrificing angel” when referencing the aforementioned ‘The Secret Doctrine’ by Blavatsky. (URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20151017034650/http://www.lucistrust.org/arcane_school/talks_and_articles/descent_and_sacrifice)

Alice Bailey also wrote a series of books on Esoteric Philosophy with one being ‘Ponder on This’ (see https://www.lucistrust.org/online_books/welcome_obooks_website) where it is written “inaugurating the NEW WORLD ORDER, by forming throughout the world - in every nation, city and town” (fromhttps://www.lucistrust.org/books/ponder_on_this/ponder_online/contents/part_2/books_ponder_on_this_ponder_online_contents_part_2_074_079). And that “Two-thirds of humanity ... will stand upon the Path at the close of this age, and with that, one-third will be held over for later unfoldment,” (see https://www.lucistrust.org/books/ponder_on_this/ponder_online/contents/part_1/books_ponder_on_this_ponder_online_contents_part_1_001_003), implying that these 1/3 will be foresaken in this endeavour (i.e., once the New World Order is implemented).

Alice Bailey also wrote ‘Education in the New Age’ where she showed us her depopulation tendencies: “But at the same time, let us never forget that it is the Life, its purpose and its directed intentional destiny that is of importance; and also that when a form proves inadequate, or too

diseased, or too crippled for the expression of that purpose, it is—from the point of view of the

Hierarchy—no disaster when that form has to go. Death is not a disaster to be feared; the work of the

Destroyer [Lucifer] is not really cruel or undesirable.” (URL: https://www.bailey.it/files/Education-in-the-New-Age.pdf).

> my interpretation: Alice Bailey certainly espoused the Theosophical doctrines of Blavatsky. As such, there is no disassociating her nor the now called “Lucis Trust” from their original, darker, leanings. Moreover, the goals for a “new [Satanic] age” and “New World Order” of the Lucis Trust is omnipresent if one can read between the lines. Their links to Freemasonry and its occultic references thus cannot be excluded from “who may be wrecking the world,” as you put it.

There’s more on this regarding the Meditation Room at the United Nations and the Lucis Trust’s “Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, or ECOSOC, but that’s for another day… (ref.: https://www.lucistrust.org/about_us/support_un)

I am not saying that all Freemasons are inherently evil or Satanic; but, those at the very top know precisely who they worship, and this has been fairly documented in various books on Freemasonry. From the Altiyan Childs video, it is quite apparent that many politicians, entertainers, business people, and even religious figures are thoroughly entrenched in this brotherhood, many pushing evil ideologies and agendas.

I have subscribed to your Substack and very much look forward to your future posts.

Warmest Regards,

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Altiyan Childs has never been a Freemason as far as anyone can tell, and is just another in a long line of false claimants that are working to continue the Taxil hoax, much like Leo Zagami and Bill Schnoebelen.

Anyone claiming to be a Freemason would be able to show pictures of themselves in the regalia, or at least their dues cards. They never do this.

Furthermore, Childs makes many claims of certain women being Freemasons. This is a fatal error in fact, as only men can become Freemasons.

Childs also zeroes in on an inconsequential hand sign, the "Hidden Hand," which is part of the Royal Arch Degree. Again, more misdirection being used by the Canaanite cult. We see many people that were never Freemasons using this sign. If it has any meaning to the cult, it is not the same as the Freemasons.

You can read all about this sign in Duncan's Ritual & Monitor, in the chapter about the Royal Arch degree. It is a reference to Exodus 4:6-7.

"To be sure, this secret society is not a childish thing like the Ku Klux Klan, and it does not have any secret robes, secret handclaps, or secret passwords. It does not need any of these, since its members know each other intimately." - Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, p. ix.

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Have you ever heard of "The Iceman Inheritance" by Michael Bradley? In a nutshell the Neanderthals lasted the longest around the Caspian Sea and were still there until 30,000 years ago. His idea was that the inter-breeding would have happened. That lead to the development of much more violent people. The groups that came out of that region were extremely violent and sadistic.

It is an interesting theory and I wonder if the Canaanites were descended from that gene pool. That whole region has been nuts forever it seems.

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I cited these articles in my article, "Who Are the Anunnaki." https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/06/15/who-are-the-anunnaki/

A wider view:

Terra as a seed planet and the five eras of man (Apollymi Mandylion)

Lucifer the angel (Apollymi Mandylion and Jessie Czebotar)

ET slavers (Draco Empire, Anunnaki, Aryan ETs, tall whites, Killy Tokurt, Maitrei)

The reptilian agenda and the creation of a half-reptilian ruling class, which worships Lucifer the angel as well as other demonic entities

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Extremely enlightening. I am a Christian who God had to show Himself clearly to years ago because of the wrong choices and thinking I had been wrapped up in. Others He does not have to do this because they are furthering their souls without His intervention. Nothing makes a man more alone than his secrets.

The reason I say this is it seems you may have alluded to the three days of Jesus' crucifiction and resurrection as something different. I can assure you this part of The Bible is literal although many other parts are not. God is extremely sensitive about His Son as well He should be.

The quotes by Albert Pike are eye opening and constructive. I must admit I always have thought the upper degrees of freemasonry as being unholy but then again I have never reasearched in-depth. I listen to a lot of podcasts and when I hear the number 33 thrown around I get it. Even from self professed Christians.

I also found it interesting your explanation of those who follow God and their worldview being that man should have liberty, free-will, and freedom with the ultimate goal of Love and forgiveness in their consciousness (paraphrasing) while the followers of Satan having a survival of the fittest attitude with the "strongest" being allowed to rule over the weak. This explains communism perfectly and is exactly where the world is headed. Jesus said those who are spiritually smart will be "dumb" to the things of this world.

Lastly for the sake of rambling, how can all this be reversed? My study and observation has led me to the conclusion the world is run by law, not whim or chance, and people's thought process and consciousness are very powerful and have real world consequences. It is clear that fear, hopelessness, lust, hatred, pride, greed, selfishness, etc. are all getting more prevelant. This is not an accident and is being pushed by dark forces using the media, etc. and is causing evil to rise. It can be reversed by man. The most important thing people can do is meditate constantly on love and forgiveness even when it is tough to. This is the only way.

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Like the "hidden hand" sign you see a lot of the definitely non-Mason elites flashing, the '33' is almost certainly another case of misdirection.

Yes, there are 33 degrees in the Scottish Rite, but these are not representative of rank or influence. You simply pay your way to the 32d degree and sit through what are essentially plays. The whole process of going from the 3rd degree to the 32d can take place in a matter of months.

33 is the alchemical symbol for cinnabar, which is what mercury is derived from. Mercury's symbolic importance to the alchemical arts is huge, and the elites are certainly FAR more interested in alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone than they are with any secret society.

You would be interested in Mark Passio's work, as he talks at length about the same Godly/Satanic dichotomy you mention.

As far as reversing things, it may be of no use. Revelation predicts a near-total extermination of the world's population, with those that remain being able to re-settle the earth with divine assistance. How this will take place is a subject explored in detail in The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya.

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Do you have any historical information about "Canaanite thought" influencing Shabat Levi & Jacob Frank? The perversions are the same LOL.

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Sephardic Jews, which Sabbatai Zevi was, have a significant number of male members of the E-M81 Y-haplogroup.


The significance of that cannot be ignored, as that is the line of men that traces back to the Nephilim and Fallen Watchers, via the Canaanites.

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Very interesting.

PS. Thanks for correcting my multiple spelling mistakes. Getting my "Shab/Sab/Levi/Zevi" all mixed up. Typing while tired and not checking LOL.

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The E-M81 haplogroup either originated in West Africa and traveled to the Levant, or it emerged in the Levant from a parent clade that originated in West Africa.

This migration took place around 14,000 years ago and is the source of our legends about Fallen Angels, or Annunaki.

"The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya" explores this story in much further detail.

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Thanks. More interesting reading for me.

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For the record, from the Jewish perspective, Shabtai Tzvi was little different from יש״ו (Jesus). He was a messianic figure who claimed the ability to wipe away and transform sin, engaged in numerous violations, consorted with prostitutes, and ultimately was captured and shut down by the ruling powers (where he ultimately converted to Islam).

Like Jesus (and Mohammed, for that matter), his teachings were a perversion of Judaism in a quest for power.

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Thanks. I've long thought "That doesn't sound very representative of Judaism". It's always good to get the views of those in the community. The banking cartel seems to be infested with them starting with the Rothschilds. They do love to hide behind Jews or throw them under the bus depending on what their needs are.

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For the record, due to much intermarriage over the years, many of the Rothschilds today are no longer even ethnically Jewish.

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